While there’s no one-size-fits-all rule, about 40% of jobs are filled within three weeks, and upwards of 70% are filled within four weeks. While more complex or advanced positions will take longer to hire for, we do our best to find the perfect fit for your company as quickly as possible.
We’re proud of our industry-leading pre-screening process, which leads to a low turnover rate and a great fit between companies and applicants. We evaluate each applicant based upon their current skill-set and their past employment history’s relevance during this process. We also conduct comprehensive background checks and pre-hire drug screenings to ensure you wind up with the perfect hire.
All kinds. Our team has experience recruiting for enterprise-level companies and small start-ups looking to build a team from scratch. We also provide hiring services for a variety of industries, from finance to manufacturing.
There’s a small fee required for our recruiting services. The fee varies depending on the type of job and the time spent recruiting for it. Contact us today to learn more about our exact fee structure and how our team can help you.